Sunday, June 8, 2008


"21" is the movie that I really want to see now.
Here is some reviews:

Lechuguilla from Dallas, Texas:"...The story does have a villain, but it may not be who you think it is...Thematically relevant in today's world of greed and materialism, "21" is a terrific film, one that has greater import than other films, because the events in "21" really happened. And the fine performances and polished visuals enhance the overall look and feel, to create a film that is both engaging and entertaining. "

madciderhead-1 from United Kingdom:"I was presently surprised about how good the film was and everyone seemed to agree that the film was really good...I would say that it clearly the best film in this genre of film. I enjoyed it more than films such as Confidence and the Oceans 11 type films. I would highly recommend it to anybody when it eventually comes out in April!! kept my attention for the whole film and that is not something that is also done during these sorts of films"

GermanDragon from United States:"There are many stories about success based on hard-work and perseverance. There have also been many stories about success based on crime and abandonment of the law. Both of these scenarios can make for great movies -- but when a movie like 21 comes out, it's both great AND fresh. 21 is a movie about success based on locking in on a hole in the system, and exploiting it...Don't let it ruin a perfectly good movie. Aside from this blunder, 21 is an excellent film."

As the IMDb user says, it sounds very interesting and exciting! So I really want to see the movie. And also the main charactors' age are ame as my age, so it will be fun to know how different their blames are from mine!!

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