Monday, August 11, 2008


Now, I'm staying at my hometown, Miyazaki:)

And today, I went to "Aoshima ocean" which is very famous place for surfing in Miyazaki. There were lots of surfers!! However, I and my friend can not do surfing, so we were just watching them and played with water a little.

When I was living in Miyazaki, I felt like there is nothing to do, but actually, there are a lot of beautiful places or things to see, play and so on. I preffered Yokohama than Miyazaki before, but now, I preffer Miyazaki than Yokohama.

I won't have time to visit my hometown until job huntting finish, so I want to do everything that I want to do in this summer vacation!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008


What club activity are you belong to?

As I wrote before, I belong to ESS club, and today, I and my ESS friends went to dinner with our seniors:) They have already retired from ESS, but we still keep in touch with each other!!
There are two tipes of sections, guide and discussion,and today's dinner was only discussion members. I have not seen seniors for long time, so it was very enjoyable time. They told us about their job hunting and they gave us lots of advices for it.

They are my visions, so I want to take care of my juniors like they have done to us:)

Saturday, August 2, 2008

T.G.I Fridays

Today, I went to the restaurant "T.G.I Fridays" with my friend.

I like the mood so much:) There are so many foreigners and I can hear lots of interesting talk of them. Today, when we entered there, two foreigners were waiting for the vacancy, and I could hear there talk.

A:"Look! Her clothes looks like a bikini." (A was looking at my friend, but she did not notice.)

B:"Oh, yeah. Isn't it sexy? I wanna be her friend." (Yet, my friend hasn't noticed.)


I think they did not know that I can understand their English. And if they knew I can, maybe they did not talk that kind of topic infront of us with loud voice;)

There are so many kinds of foreigners and their talks are so interesting!

Why don't you go there and keep your ears cocked?


Did you go to Sakuragi-cho to see fireworks yesterday?

I was thinking that it would rain, but fortunately, we could have a good weather:)

I went there with friends, and we could get a good place to watch. There were so many poeple and some of them were already got drank before the fireworks...

After the event, we spent night at one of the friends' house, and we talked alot till 4:00 a.m.